"LA CASA DI CAMPAGNA" Responsable: Laura
Scoccia Locality:
Madoni - Monteleone Sabino (Rieti)
Tipology: Farm Holidays
Position: Hill, altitude mt 600
Treatment: Booking and breakfast - half board - full
Accommodations: 4 rooms
Beds: 11
Opening: all the year
Description and services: And beautiful scenery not far from the Eternal City: The Country House is a place that is attractive to the guests at first glance, combining all the qualities of a farmhouse with the comfort of a real home. A place that communicates energy and relaxation, perfect for getting into shape, where the smells of spring brood, the fresh vegetables of summer, autumn and winter harvest of mushrooms and roasted chestnuts and oil when pressed. The "Country House" is the perfect place for special ceremonies, weddings, anniversaries, conferences and meetings. Might rent the whole house with the chef and staff.

Frutteto, oliveto, ortaggi, animali da cortile,
piscina, corsi di cucina, equitazione, sci, golf, pesca, sci acquatico,
olio extravergine di oliva Agriturismo La Casa di Campagna
LocalitY Madoni - 02033 Monteleone Sabino (RI) Tel. e fax 0765 884070
- Cell. 335 394785 E-mail:
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