Cerca il tuo Agriturismo in Veneto tra le province di Belluno, Vicenza, Treviso, Verona, Padova, Venezia e Rovigo

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: Garon Claudio
Locality: Feriole di Teolo; (Padova)
Tipology: Farmhouse
Position: Plain, altitude mt 14 s.l.m.
Touristic place: Bacino termale Abano Terme, Colli Euganei
Treatment: Booking - breakfast
Accommodation: 11 rooms and 2 apartments
Beds: 25
Opening: open all the year
Description and services: Tenuta Monterosso is a newly built structure situated at the bottom of Euganea Hills and close to the Abano Terme thermal basin. In the middle of the sourrounding countryside, away from any noise, Tenuta Monterosso has an outside swimmingpool and is an excellent startin position for visiting all the historical and art cities of Veneto like Venice, Verona, Padua, Vicenza, Cittadella and Bassano del Grappa. Tenuta Monterosso is also close to various Golf Clubs.

Piscina Bici Trekking Campo da golf interno all'Agriturismo o nelle vicinanze Degustazioni-vino Prodotti tipici Conserve Frutta
Outdoor Swimming Pool, Mountain Biking, Hiking, produces wine, fresh fruit, canned, cured meats.

Agriturismo Tenuta Monterosso
Via Vergani 42/B - 35037 - Teolo (PD)
Phone and fax +39.049.9902040
Portable +39.338.6426065 -  
Email: tenutamonterosso@gmail.com

Web Site


: Ivano Zulian
Locality: Borgoricco  (Padova)
Tipology: Agritourism
Position: Lowland, altitude mt 18
Touristic place: Pianura Padana; River Muson and Tergola
Treatment: Booking - breakfast - half board -  full board
Accommodation: 6 rooms
Beds: 20
Opening: open all the year
Description and services: The property is located in the center of the historic Borgoricco "Graticolato Romano, in an old country cottage completely restored with care. Ground floor: a typical "Osteria Veneta", where you have breakfast and offering local gastronomic specialties for lunch and evening meals. The fortunate location at the heart of Veneto, provides convenient access to all the tourist attractions the region provides. (Venice, Padua, Basilica del Santo, Treviso, Vicenza: Palladio's villas, Verona and Lake Garda, Asolo, Bassano del Grappa, Castelfranco V.to, Riviera del Brenta Dolomites Park). Public services outside the property:line to Venice and Padua. Nearby laundry-supermarket-food and pizza for take out. SPECIAL PRICES FOR PERIODS OF HOLIDAY-CHRISTMAS-EASTER CARNIVAL OF VENICE-August. Ideal for those who prefer the tranquility and comfort in a run youth and families.

Lago Parcheggio Pesca sportiva Archeologia-museo Ristorante carne ai ferri ortaggi Prodotti tipici
Local cuisine, excursions to Venice and its lagoon

Farm Holiday Al Gallo Nero
Via Desman, 162 -  35010 - Borgoricco (PD)
Portable +39 3485948769
Phone and fax +39 049 5798977 
Email: info@algallonero.it

Web Site


: Ester Crepaz
Locality: Arabba  (Belluno)
Tipology: Farm House Holiday
Posizione: Mountain, altitude mt 1585
Touristic place: Dolomiti
Treatment: Booking
Accommodation: 2 rooms - 2 apartments
Beds: 14
Opening: open all the year
Description and services: The farm "el Cirum" consists of a farmhouse, a barn and 17 hectares of grassland for grazing, located in Coste and Pralongia areas, on the slopes of Mount Cherz. The farm is located in the Masarei Grone, opposite of the austere Monte Auron, in an enviable position because it takes the first  sun coming in the morning in the valley Fodom, and is accessed by road from the state of 48 Dolomite leads to the village of Cherz. The stable is located Masarei instead. The choice to associate agricultural activity with tourism was also dictated by the desire to open up to the increased work requirements of our history and our culture, in order to publicize its existence and appreciate their values. For those who choose to spend the holidays el Cirum on these incomparable mountains, we offer authentic as our land and its traditions we do every day to love and respect, simplicity, quiet and greatness of nature. Furthermore, our Farm Holiday is 5 minutes drive from the ski the famous Sellaronda Supersky

ortaggi Conserve Ammessi animali Allevamenti Trekking Parcheggio sci Montagna Riscaldamento Parco privato Bici Ristorante carne ai ferri
Eggs, vegetables, poultry, cows, field trips, free parking, hiking, climbing, skiing even in summer (la Marmolada), visits sites of the First World War, mountaineering, snowshoeing,

Agriturismo El Cirum
Via Grone di Masarei, 25 -  32020 - Arabba (BL)
Portable +39.3382578766
Phone & fax +39.0436 79422 
Email: info@elcirum.it

Web Site


: Stefano e Alessandra Catani
Locality: Belluno  (BL)
Tipology: Agriturismo
Position: Hill, altitude mt 450
Treatment: Booking - we do not provide breakfast but each cottage has its own kitchen with everything you need
Accommodations: 1 room,  3 apartments, 1 little villa
Beds: 14
Opening: open all the year
Descrition and Services Sant'Anna is located at few kms from the town centre of Belluno, at one hour drive from Venezia and Cortina d'ampezzo, it is a very relaxing coin with dramatic panorama on the Dolomites Park, at few kms there is a beautiful lake, Santa Croce where go sailing and wind surfing. The apartments are independent and provided with fully equipped kitchens. Open all year; small pets are welcome


Trekking Ammessi animali Parco privato Allevamenti Riscaldamento Montagna Maneggio Bici sci Campo da golf interno all'Agriturismo o nelle vicinanze Parcheggio Lago
Mountain bike, Escursions, sailing, hiking horse trekking, golf, skiing


Pedecastello, 27 - 32024 - Belluno (BL) -
Phone & Fax (+39) 0437 27491
Portable (+39) 389 8010543 - 338 5017402
Email: aziendasantanna@tin.it

Responsabile: Forte Giuseppe

Localitą: Ariano Polesine  (Rovigo)
Tipologia: Agriturismo
Posizione: Pianura, altitudine mt 80
Trattamento offerto: Pernottamento - prima colazione - degustazioni
Sistemazioni: 8 camere
Posti letto: 16 con possibilitą di letto aggiunto
Periodo di apertura: aperto tutto l'anno
Descrizione e Servizi: L'Agriturismo č situato nel cuore del Parco del Delta del Po, a soli 5 Km dal mare,  Tenuta Goro Veneto č un luogo di relax, dove ritrovare il contatto con la natura e riscoprire sapori antichi . La struttura č ricavata da un vecchio fortino della Serenissima risalente al 1730, la Tenuta fu in seguito trasformata in casa padronale e, recentemente ristrutturata e adibita ad agriturismo. L'antica chiesetta adiacente alla casa č ora cantina e sala di degustazione, dove si possono degustare degli ottimi stuzzichini preparati a base prodotti tipici del posto come salumi caserecci e latticini.

Ammessi animali Carte di credito Piscina ortaggi Bici Parco giochi Tennis Degustazioni-vino
Mountain bike, Escursioni, Piscina, Terme

Agriturismo Tenuta Goro Veneto
Via Argine Po - via Basilicata - Localitą Goro Veneto (RO)
Tel. 0426 81097 - 0426 86308 - Fax 0426 81022 - Cell. 348 7202624 - Custode Tel. 0426 86115


Responsabile: Leonardo Granata

Localitą: Bastia di Rovolon  (Padova)
Tipologia: Agriturismo
Posizione: Pianura, altitudine mt 85
Trattamento offerto: Pernottamento - prima colazione - Mezza pensione
Sistemazioni: 4 camere
Posti letto: 9
Periodo di apertura: aperto tutto l'anno escluso gennaio
Descrizione e Servizi: L'Agriturismo č un antica fattoria dalla struttura tipica locale dei Colli Euganei, immersa nel silenzio dei boschi che circondano il Monte Sereo.

Bici Trekking Maneggio Centro benessere Conserve Parco privato ortaggi carni
Mountain bike, Escursioni, Piscina, Terme

Agriturismo Monte Sereo
Via Monte Cereo, 71/B 35139 - Bastia di Rovolon (PD)
Cell +39.347 4325011 - Tel e fax +39.049.9910888 
Email: agriturismo@montesereo.it


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